
A Most Civil War

Nagurski: Da-da, Tupolev's grampa was shot down.

Da-da: Tupolev?

Nagurski: In my class.

Da-da: Is his grampa ok?

Nagurski: Yeah. It was a long time ago.

Da-da: What kind of plane was it?

Nagurski: His jet was shot down during the Civil War.

Da-da: Oh. That kind of plane. Was he a Blue or Gray pilot?

Nagurski: Blue.

Da-da: Ah.

Nagurski: [thinks] What does civil mean?

Da-da: It means, "polite," among other things.

Nagurski: So, it was a... polite war?

Da-da: Very. They interrupted battle to serve tea and little sandwiches every afternoon.

Nagurski: You're making this up.

Da-da: Am I?

Nagurski: Ye-es. [thinks] Hm. So, was Chewbacca on the Blue or the Gray side?

Da-da: That's a very good question.

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