
Quick and Fearless HUG-A-LIBRARIAN Week Quiz

A letter from Hotland, OH YEAH.

Since Da-da has designated today... er, THIS WEEK to be, "HUG-A-LIBRARIAN WEEK," he's received nothing but complaints... mostly from librarians. THEY DON'T WANT TO BE HUGGED, necessarily, especially by YOU, Mister Creepy Halitosis, but Da-da says, "NAY!"

Da-da often says, "NAY," but in this case he says, "NAY NAY!"

Librarians NEED extreme huggage and patent ex libris patronization, especially given how unworthy the general public is to actually accost librarians. Failing any incipient huggage, feel free to transmogrify this sudden, impromptu-y bookish day of mirth and frivolity into, "GIVE LIBRARIANS LOTS OF MONEY WEEK." If a hug goes with that, then so be it.

In light of this, Da-da offers up the following rather chilling LIBRARIAN HUGGEE QUIZ. Be sure to cover up the answers before answering, and good luck: Mr. Dewey is counting on you.

Question #1: DO YOU allow this main to join the library?

(Answer: No. He'll get blood on the books. Call 911.)

Question #2: What's wrong with this picture?

(Answer: nothing. Your Librarian Control Panel 9000 always flashes
WEIRD, STRANGE, or BIZARRE -- or, often, all of the above.)

Question #3: Is this advisable?

(Answer: YES. When faced with a book emergency, most anything is advisable.)

NOW, it's time for some literacy cake!

Literacy cake is sweet-and-sour, if not wholly improbable.

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